In addition to providing your project-based needs, we offer a range of consulting engineering services to support your business when you are in need of special expertise, additional resources, or help in securing your intellectual property. These services allow you to tap into our expertise to support a wide variety of your business needs.
With today’s tight timelines, clients often find themselves needing additional resources immediately. We can provide talent at a moment’s notice. The engagement may be long-term across several projects, through the end of a project in progress, or until you can free up the internal resources necessary to complete the task. Our engineers will become integral members of your development team, working hand in hand with you as needed.
Another way we can support you is by providing specific expertise that doesn’t exist in your organization. In the recent past we have been the “RF department” for clients without internal wireless experts. Alternatively, you may be developing a business area that has requirements currently outside your company’s talent pool, but aren’t ready to make the commitment of creating that capability internally. Whether the need is short-term or long-term, we can augment your technical capabilities.
The creation and protection of intellectual property is a key business requirement in today’s information-driven economy. Our team has been awarded 25 patents with an additional 11 patents applied for. We have the background and training needed both to get patents granted, and to ensure that the patents are of high quality and will stand when challenged. We can assist you in the creation of a patent, in responding to an office action as a patent application is being processed, and in providing expert witnesses when assistance is needed in dispute resolution.