By moving to cloud-based services, many infrastructure needs – scalability, reliability, and back-up – are taken care of, allowing us to focus on the development of your application. As software applications have transformed from the desktop to web services and now are migrating to the cloud, the development tools and environment have changed as well. Our skills and capabilities have followed those changes and can support you in developing your next Cloud-based Service.
There are multiple ways to implement applications using cloud-based services and we have worked with most of them. We are technology-agnostic in our approach, preferring to work with you to develop the optimum solution based on your specific needs. We are familiar with:
- Amazon AWS
- Goggle Cloud Platform
- Microsoft Cloud
A major advantage of Cloud-based Services is the integration of the many different technologies and capabilities embedded in these services such as
- Databases
- Analytical Tools
- Storage Arrays
We leverage that integration to more quickly begin development on your application instead of having to “bolt” together the necessary technologies to support your application. This translates into faster time to market and lower development costs.
We have developed web and cloud based services targeted at both commercial and industrial markets and are equally comfortable in both. The key to success in both of these cases is developing and specifying services that meet the needs of the end-user. Industrial markets tend to require more data driven services whereas consumer markets tend to be heavily focused on the user experience. We understand these differences and will work with you to optimize the service to your target market.